Our Mission

Hyacinths bloom outside Abbott Hall

We offer key strategic services in support of UB’s campus master plan, which addresses facilities on all three UB campuses.

The UB Foundation plays a vital role in helping UB establish, enhance and expand its global reputation. We are proud to support and promote UB’s activities and programs by assisting in the acquisition of strategic assets, managing and providing resources, and providing an array of services for the UB community.

We accomplish this by:

  • Providing advice and counsel on certain aspects of philanthropy and fundraising
  • Managing gifts and grants for the betterment of UB
  • Developing and managing real property for the betterment of UB
  • Helping build a strong base of private-sector support for UB

Supporting UB for more than 50 years

The first of our affiliates was chartered by the Regents of the State of New York as a nonprofit educational corporation in 1962—the year that the (formerly) private University of Buffalo became part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system.

Throughout the years, we have continuously focused our efforts on helping UB grow into a premier public research university, the largest and most comprehensive campus in the 64-campus SUNY system, and one of just two SUNY schools belonging to the prestigious American Association of Universities (AAU).

A private organization supporting a public institution

Like most foundations at leading public universities, the UB Foundation is a private, independent organization. This relationship allows us to strengthen UB’s ability to attract top faculty and students, and gives the university the flexibility to respond quickly to changing market conditions. While our trustees and directors are completely independent of the state and SUNY in the exercise of their fiduciary responsibilities, we are committed to operating in a manner consistent with the policies of the University at Buffalo and the SUNY Trustees, as we strive to be a top-performing foundation.

Learn more about our status